Three startups expressing Argentina’s creative side

argentina startups creativeargentina startups creative

With a population of 43.85 million in Argentina, it is hardly surprising there is going to be a creative few mixed in there.

These are the brains behind some of the country’s brightest and most successful startups. In this article we will look at three of the biggest startups making a splash in the land of Tango and beyond.


If you are familiar with Trello, the famous remote office sharing program, then the concept of Mural won’t seem to alien to you. Essentially, it is a very similar concept but for creative workers. Originally conceived while the founder, Mariano Suarez Battan, was trying to design a video game, Mario created Mural to help collect information in one place so he could organise his thoughts. While also giving him an opportunity to visually share his ideas with his team.

Since then, thousands have adopted the platform to share, organize and streamline projects. The idea has also gained the support of investors such as Intel Capital, Alta Ventures, 500 Startups and a top selection of angel investors throughout the Americas

“We understand the need to combine different ideas and disciplines and people to create something great. MURAL is here to make that faster, easier, and more fun for you and your team, no matter where you are.” featured on the company’s website.


In 2012 Agu De Marco and Agus Esperon needed to create an clear explanatory video for another business venture, however with a very small budget and almost no experience, the pair were faced with a tough decision. Pay a huge amount to a professional to produce the video or use complicated, time hungry software programs. That’s when the two of them decided to create Wideo.  

Wideo offers users a quick and easy way to produce animated videos. With no animation or graphic design knowledge, users are able to upgrade their digital presentation with professional- looking animations that can take only a few clicks to make. The company has recently surpassed one million active users and has customers such as Sprint and Staples under its belt. The service is now available throughout Latin America, the United States, and South Korea.


Arguably not as geared toward creative types as the others, it still taps into a passion for good radio and shows. RadioCut offers its users the ability to listen to radio programs that have already aired, whether it be a few hours or weeks even weeks ago. Users can then cut, edit and share segments with friends using messaging apps or post them to social media.

The app contains more than 2.5 million hours of radio content from more than 700 radio stations and has built an impressive following due to their long library. There are currently 300 radio stations from around the world on their waiting list eager to join their extensive library. As a result, the app proudly has 500k active monthly users and counting.

Sam Brake Guia: Sam is an energetic and passionate writer/blogger, always looking for the next adventure. In August 2016 he donated all of his possessions to charity, quit his job, and left the UK. Since then he has been on the road travelling through North, Central and South America searching for new adventures and amazing stories.